

What are workspaces?

Workspaces are a way to group related Quests based on the context in which you complete them. Companies who use Questmate commonly create a workspace for each of their teams, e.g. Front-desk, customer success, product team, sales, marketing etc. In fact, workspaces were originally called “Teams” because of this.

We decided to change the name from “Teams” to “Workspaces” instead, to reflect that you can add people outside of your specific team or company to individual workspaces (like affiliates, consultants or marketing agency people that you work with etc).

Where to view your workspaces

To view all of the workspaces that you belong to (that you created yourself, or were added to by other people), you can:

  1. Click on the profile icon at the top left of the home screen
  1. Click on “Workspaces”
  1. View your workspaces

If you haven’t created, or been assigned to any workspaces yet, you’ll see a screen where you can start adding new workspaces.


If you already belong to multiple workspaces, you’ll see a list of all the workspaces you belong to on this screen.


Adding new workspaces

  1. Click “Create Workspace”
  2. To create a new workspace for the first time, click on the “Create Workspace” button on the workspaces page.


If you already belong to multiple workspaces, you can add a new workspace by clicking the “+” button at the top right of your workspace screen.

  1. Enter workspace name
  2. Choose a name for your workspace that best reflects what it’ll be used for.

  3. Click “Create workspace”

Add/remove members in your workspace

When you add a member to a workspace, they can see all of the Quests that are a part of that workspace. They can also edit any of the Quests in that workspace too, which enables every team member to collaborate on creating Quests whether or not they created it themselves. To add a new member:

  1. Choose a workspace
  2. Click on the workspace that you want to add a new member to

  1. Enter members email/phone number
  2. Adding a member to your workspace is as easy as entering their email or phone number in the “Members” field and clicking the + button.

  1. View members in your workspace
  2. All of the members that belong to a workspace can be found listed below the “Members” title, below the add new member field.


Removing members

You can remove members from a workspace by clicking on the delete icon next to a members name.


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