Completion actions are things that you want to happen once a Quest has been submitted. You can choose from our predefined list of completion action types, or create your own via Questscript.
Add a completion action to your Quest
To add a completion action to your Quest, scroll down to the bottom of your Quest in edit mode and click on the “+” button below the “Completion Actions” heading.
You can add as many completion actions as you’d like to your Quest.
Completion action types
Reveal Text
The reveal text completion action lets you share some kind of confirmation or success message to be shown once a Quest has been submitted.
Issue Reward
The issue reward completion action lets you instantly pay people who complete your Quest. At Questmate, we reward new employees with a gift card for completing their employee onboarding Quest.
Post message to Slack
The post message to Slack completion action will let you automagically post the responses entered for a Quest to any Slack channel you’d like. E.g. posting feedback Quest submissions to a customer support channel.
If there is something else you’d like to be able to do once a Quest has been completed, you can use Questscript to write your own custom completion action (or ask us to write one for you!)
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